Diabetes and eye pain are two conditions often experienced simultaneously. Diabetes eye pain is extremely common in people who have had Diabetes for a long time. The most important aspect in controlling Diabetes Mellitus is keeping blood glucose levels under control. When glucose levels become elevated, a Diabetic’s life is literally at stake. When this happens, the glucose that is in the bloodstream acts like a toxic substance in the body and it can wreak havoc on other tissues and cells.
Researchers are uncertain how sugar achieves this feat, but they do know that sugar interferes with the transmission of signals from one nerve to another. In addition, when sugar remains in the blood, other organs, muscles, and cells that rely on the transfer of glucose for fuel, are deprived of the energy. Calls that are repeatedly exposed to this type of scenario are prone to blood vessel constriction and possible death. Without an adequate supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients, nothing in the body can thrive and some organs may face impairment.
The eyes are specifically prone to loss of function as their function is maintained by nerves in the brain and in the eyes. Complications from Diabetic Neuropathy, or nerve damage, can cause extreme eye pain. The eyes require assistance from muscles and nerves in the eye and in the brain (cranial nerves) to work properly. The cranial nerves control the movement of the eye and the other nerves receive signals that allow the “comprehension” of sight. Since two areas of the body are vulnerable to nerve damage, and both are necessary for sight, it is not unusual to see loss of vision as well as Diabetes eye pain when any of these entities are damaged.
Diabetes and Eye Pain
Diabetes and Eye pain are problematic for many people. According to the 2011 National Fact Sheet, 8.3% of the population has Diabetes Mellitus. Of these people, 28.5% or 4.2 million people over forty have eye disease, or Diabetic Retinopathy. Of these people, 655,000 have severe cases of Diabetic Retinopathy that could result in loss of vision. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintain that, over 24,000 Diabetics will go completely blind each year due to this disease.
Diabetes and Eye Pain
Diabetes eye paincan be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the disease and how progressed it is. Sometimes, an individual experiences no symptoms until the disease is well advanced. When eye pain begins to be extreme, the damage may be severe and irreparable. This scenario is why so many people will go blind each year. Treatment options do exist, but many have to be performed by a certain point.
Other people may notice symptoms right from the onset of the eye disease. Diabetes can cause a host of symptoms so occurrence of new symptoms may not signal a new complication. When eye pain, headaches, halos, or watery eyes present, it is important for an individual to recognize these symptoms as signs of Diabetes eye pain. These symptoms are usually the result of pressure, bleeding, or bulging in the blood vessels that can arise from a plethora of eye pain and Diabetes related disease such as Glaucoma, Proliferative Retinopathy, and Macular Edema.