Some people have trouble with diabetes bowel movements, and for various reasons. The most common reason that people have complications with diabetes bowel movements is because of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. In fact, it is estimated that about 70% of diabetics may have serious GI symptoms in which bowel movements are affected. Many of these GI symptoms are related to neuronal dysfunction, or nerve damage. When the intestinal nerves are damaged, it leads to problems with diabetic bowel movements, secretion, and absorption. This is called enteric neuropathy.

Enteric neuropathy is described well on the website According to the site, different nerves in the intestine stimulate and suppress bowel functions. When these nerves are damaged this disrupts the pace of diabetes bowel movements, causing them to move too quickly or too slowly. Therefore, normal digestion fails and the person is left with nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation; this may even cause vomiting. Treatment of offset diabetes bowel movements begins with careful blood sugar control.


Diabetes Bowel Movements and Constipation


Research is currently being conducted on establishing links between diabetes and constipation. It is still uncertain whether blood sugar levels directly have an effect on the digestive system or not. When a person’s blood sugar level is not normal, many of the other functions of the body are affected too. It has also been found that people who have been taking insulin for a prolonged period of time have stools that stagnate in the colon because the nerves cannot function properly when blood sugar levels are high.

According to, when it comes to constipation in diabetes bowel movements the underlying cause is usually high blood sugar. Although treatment should be sought when having consistent trouble with constipation, usually treating the underlying cause, high blood sugar, with a proper diet regimen can usually help the problem considerably.


Diabetes Bowel Movements and Diarrhea


The website states that people with diabetes may get diarrhea due to some diabetic medications. However, chronic diarrheas in diabetes bowel movements are often due to an overgrowth in bacteria in the intestines. This occurs because problems with the pancreas lead to dysfunctions in the way that nutrients are absorbed. The most common cause for problems with diabetes bowl movements, particularly when constipation and diarrhea alternate frequently, is still considered to be diabetic neuropathy. If you are showing signs of diabetic neuropathy (whether it be chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, or both), be sure to consult with your doctor before the condition becomes worse.