To cure insulin resistance, you must understand how it occurs. When your body has a sugar overload your pancreas makes an extra large quantity of insulin to clear away excess sugar. After years and years of this pattern being repeated, the cells of the body become resistant to repeated exposures. This is why people that eat too many carbohydrates over the years may develop insulin resistance, especially if they are genetically predisposed.

If you think about it, humans do not naturally eat foods that are high in sugar and processed. Our ancestors ate foots, vegetables, and unprocessed meats. Therefore, the way to cure insulin resistance is to eat in a more natural way.


How to Cure Insulin Resistance


One way that a person can cure insulin resistance is by eliminating all refined sugars from your diet. The problem with this is that refined sugar and flour have made their way into tons of different foods. So, when reading the label, look for ingredients like fructose corn syrup, dextrose, and enriched flour.

Diets should also have moderate amounts of protein and low amounts of carbohydrates are a natural cure for insulin resistance. Supplements that include chromium, magnesium, vanadium, and vitamin E are also recommended. Exercise will also work as an insulin resistance cure because of its direct blood sugar lowering effects, which in turn decrease the body’s demand for insulin.


Natural Cure for Insulin Resistance


Many people don’t realize, but stress can play a big role in insulin resistance and weight gain. One way that can help cure insulin resistance is learning techniques in relaxation such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and meditation. Exercise also reduces stress. Taking walks and practicing yoga are great ways to both reduce stress and stay in shape.


How to Cure Insulin Resistance Naturally


Cinnamon is often looked upon as a cure for insulin resistance. This is not surprising, as it has been used as remedy for hundreds of things since the ancient Egyptians. In one study, found on, diabetic patients were given small doses of cinnamon for 40 days. The cinnamon reduced their blood sugar levels and increased their natural production of insulin. It also lowered their blood cholesterol level. Twenty days after the treatment ended the beneficial effects still continued.


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